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7 Natural Home Remedies for Scabies: Quick Relief Tips

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Scabies is very contagious and affects many people each year. The mites can spread through touching, crowded places, and shared items like clothes. Even though you often need medicine to beat scabies, home remedies can help too. They don’t cure the problem, but they can make you feel better.

We’ll look at different ways to treat scabies. We’ll talk about using oils and herbs, along with some easy home methods. These can lessen the itch, swelling, and help the skin heal. So, whether it’s your first time dealing with scabies or it keeps coming back, these tips will help you feel better quickly.

Key Takeaways

  • Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin
  • Natural home remedies can provide relief for the itching, rash, and other symptoms of scabies
  • Essential oils like tea tree oil, neem oil, and clove oil have potent anti-mite and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Oatmeal baths, aloe vera, and cayenne pepper can also help soothe and calm the skin
  • Proper cleaning and disinfection of the living environment are crucial to prevent the spread of scabies

What is Scabies?

Understanding the Skin Condition and Its Causes

Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a tiny mite, the Sarcoptes scabiei, which is invisible to the naked eye. It burrows into the skin, lays eggs, and causes a very itchy rash. Scabies spreads through direct skin contact, sharing clothes or bedding, or through sex.

Its symptoms mainly include a red rash, along with itching and small blisters, mostly seen on hands and wrists. But, it can also affect other parts of the body. In crowded places, like nursing homes, scabies can become a big problem.

If someone’s immune system is weak, they might get a severe case called crusted scabies. This kind is not very common but is extremely contagious. If not treated, scabies can lead to kidney problems, blood infection, or heart issues.

The tiny mite can measure up to 0.45 millimeters and can stay on a person for up to two months. This shows how important it is to start the treatment early and prevent spreading it to others.

Scabies doesn’t go away without treatment. Doctors usually prescribe medications to kill the mites. Although home remedies might help the itch, seeing a doctor is still very important.

Key Scabies Statistics
Estimated worldwide cases
200 million
Typical incubation period
2 to 8 weeks
Common affected areas
Wrist, elbow, armpit, nipple, penis, waist, buttocks, between fingers
Mite lifespan on a person
1 to 2 months

To stop scabies from spreading, it’s important to treat it quickly. Learning about the mite and its effects is key to managing scabies.

Tea Tree Oil: A Potent Ally

Tea tree oil is an excellent natural treatment for scabies, offering a full approach to handle this skin issue. It has properties like being anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and acaricidal, which means it kills mites.

Studies show tea tree oil is good at treating scabies, even when typical treatments don’t work well. The main substances in tea tree oil, like terpinen-4-ol, fight against the mites that cause scabies.

Used directly on the skin, tea tree oil can stop itching and help the rash from scabies heal. It might not work as well on mite eggs deep in the skin, though. Mixing tea tree oil with things like coconut oil, neem, or clove oil makes it more useful for treatment.

For scabies, it’s best to dilute tea tree oil in a 1% to 10% ratio with a carrier oil. This makes sure it’s safe for the skin, as some people might find undiluted tea tree oil irritating.

Keep in mind that tea tree oil might work differently for everyone, depending on how bad the scabies are and how often you use the treatment. Always be careful and talk to a doctor, as some folks could be allergic to tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Oil for Scabies

Overall, tea tree oil is great for fighting scabies because it fights off mites and reduces irritations. When used correctly and with other helpful treatments, tea tree oil can lessen the trouble caused by scabies.

Natural Remedy
Key Findings
Tea Tree Oil
  • 5% TTO reduced median survival time of scabies mites by half compared to permethrin and ivermectin.
  • 98.5% resolution of scabies in pigs after four weeks of two 1% TTO applications.
  • Terpinen-4-ol in TTO has antimicrobial properties that help fight scabies.
  • Effective when combined with other oils like coconut, neem, or clove.

Research on tea tree oil and natural options for scabies is quite detailed. Lab tests have shown the strong effects certain essential oils, including tea tree oil, have on scabies mites and eggs. These results suggest that tea tree oil and similar natural remedies could be good either alone or with regular treatments for scabies.

Neem: An Ancient Remedy for Modern Relief

Exploring Neem’s Antimicrobial Properties

Neem is known as Azadirachta indica and it’s been used in traditional medicine for a long time. It’s known for helping with scabies, a skin condition caused by tiny mites, making it very contagious.

Studies have shown that neem is great at fighting bacteria and reducing swelling. For example, neem mouthwash helps with keeping teeth clean, and neem shampoo beats head lice. The stuff inside neem, like nimbolide, can also lessen swelling by slowing down certain cells.

Using neem on the skin can stop wrinkles in animals that were exposed to too much sunlight. Neem can even help against certain diseases by adjusting how the immune system works. Also, doctors used a special neem product on wounds with bone showing and it worked well and didn’t cost much.

Neem is great for fighting off bad germs and calming the skin. We still need more studies on how well it works against scabies in people. But, so far, it seems like neem can be a good and safe choice in dealing with scabies.

Neem’s Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Benefits
  • Effective in controlling plaque and gingivitis
  • Efficacious in treating head lice infestations
  • Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties by suppressing macrophage and neutrophil functions
  • Prevents wrinkle formation in UVB-exposed skin
  • Displays anti-leishmanial and immunomodulatory activities
  • Used cost-effectively for treating post-surgical scalp wounds

“Neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 4,000 years, showcasing its long history of medicinal use.”

Because of its power against bacteria and swelling, neem is a great natural option for fighting scabies’ problems. As we learn more about what neem can do, it could become a big help in today’s fight against scabies.

Aloe Vera: Nature’s Soothing Touch

Aloe vera is known for its healing power on the skin. Recently, studies show it might help against scabies. Its cooling quality eases the itch and irritation of scabies.

Aloe vera has many good parts, like antioxidants and vitamins. It works as well as prescription medicine for scabies, with no side effects.

Aloe vera helps scabies by calming the skin and fighting swelling. This stops the itching fast. It also fights off the mites that cause scabies.

To use aloe vera for scabies, apply its gel several times a day. Keep doing this for a few weeks to get rid of the mites. You can mix aloe vera with tea tree oil or neem for better results.

aloe vera for scabies

Before using aloe vera, test it on a small area to check for allergies. Always talk to a doctor before giving aloe vera to kids, especially for skin problems.

Use aloe vera to help fight scabies. It can bring back comfort to your skin and life.

The Spicy Solution: Cayenne Pepper

Harnessing Capsaicin’s Pain-Relieving Powers

Scientific data on cayenne pepper’s direct effect on killing mites is not strong. Yet, it is helpful in easing scabies symptoms. The key is its active compound, capsaicin. It seems to make the skin less sensitive, which can lower itching and discomfort.

A study showed capsaicin cream worked well in cutting soft tissue pain over three weeks. This hints it could ease scabies-linked irritation and pain. For a long time, people have used cayenne pepper because of its capsaicin. It works well as a topical painkiller, easing itchiness in infected areas.

Yet, there’s no proof that cayenne pepper kills scabies mites directly. Even then, its abilities to relieve pain and make the skin less sensitive are useful. They can help in fighting scabies alongside other natural choices.

Natural Remedy
Benefits for Scabies
Cayenne Pepper
  • Contains capsaicin, which has a desensitizing effect on the skin, reducing itching and discomfort
  • May provide topical pain relief for scabies-related irritation and inflammation
  • Does not have direct mite-killing properties, but can help manage symptoms

Cayenne pepper

If you’re looking for natural ways to ease scabies symptoms, think about adding cayenne pepper. But, first talk to a doctor before trying new home remedies. Always be careful about skin reactions or other possible effects.

“Cayenne pepper can be a valuable tool in managing the symptoms of scabies, but it’s important to use it with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.”

Clove Oil: A Fragrant Defense

If you’re looking into natural ways to combat scabies, clove oil is a top pick. It has strong antibacterial, numbing, and antioxidant effects. Studies show it can help get rid of scabies bugs.

This oil contains eugenol and other elements, which stop scabies bugs from growing and stop them from making more bugs. This means it’s a strong fighter against scabies. Also, it numbs the itch they cause, giving relief.

When using clove oil for scabies, mix it with coconut or olive oil first. This reduces the chance of skin problems. Adding clove oil to your scabies care, with neem and tea tree oil, is a good idea. It makes a full approach to dealing with scabies effectively.

Natural Ingredient
Key Benefits for Scabies
Clove Oil
  • Antimicrobial properties to kill scabies mites
  • Insecticidal action to disrupt mite life cycle
  • Anesthetic effects to relieve intense itching
  • Antioxidant properties to support skin healing

clove oil

Caution is vital when using any natural treatment, including clove oil. Check with a doctor first, especially if you have sensitive skin. Adding clove oil to your scabies plan can help your skin get better and lessen the itch.

Lavender, Thyme, and Other Essential Oils

Along with tea tree oil and clove oil, many essential oils are said to help with scabies. This list includes lavender, thyme, peppermint, and more. They are thought to kill germs, insects, and reduce pain for scabies. But, we still need more research to prove they work really well.

Lavender oil can kill the scabies mites and their eggs, as studies have found. The oil from thyme is known for fighting germs and was effective against scabies in studies. Peppermint oil might relieve itchiness and kill bugs, which could help with scabies.

Ylang-ylang and other oils may also help because they fight germs and calm skin. But, again, we need more studies to check if they truly work.

Always mix essential oils with another oil, like coconut or jojoba, before using them on your skin. Be careful, some oils might irritate or make the skin sensitive.

Essential oils for scabies

Thinking about using essential oils for scabies? Talk to a doctor first. The best results often come from using oils with other treatments and home remedies.

Home Remedies for Scabies: Cleaning and Prevention

Eliminating Mites from Your Environment

To stop scabies from spreading, you must clean your home well. Scabies comes from a tiny bug that lays eggs under our skin. These bugs spread easily, so cleaning is crucial.

Wash all your bedding and clothes in hot water. Items that can’t be washed should be sealed away for at least 5 days. This kills the mites and eggs.

Vacuum your home to remove unseen mites. Scabies often affects places like wrists and armpits. Getting rid of mites is key, especially in sleeping areas.

It’s important to keep things very clean to get rid of scabies. Even after treatment, you may still itch for weeks. Doctors can offer more help if needed.

Cleaning for scabies

Cleaning well is the best way to beat scabies at home. Treat everyone in the house, wash everything, and stay isolated until it’s safe to be around others again.

Home Remedy
Olive Oil Massage
Olive oil massage helps with relief from itching.
Watercress Infusion
Watercress drink cleans the blood and helps with skin swelling from scabies.
Rue Compresses
Compressing the skin with rue and water soothes irritation and cuts down itching.
Fumitory Tea Compresses
Fumitory tea helps stop itching by decreasing skin inflammation.
Chamomile Tea Baths
Chamomile baths calm the skin and make scabies less painful.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera helps a lot because it heals and stops itching.
Clove Essential Oil
Clove oil is great for healing skin and easing any irritation.

These home cures do wonders for scabies. Some allergy pills and skin creams can also help with the itching after treatment.

When to Seek Professional Help

Home remedies can offer some relief with scabies symptoms. But, often you need a doctor to get rid of the mites for good. If the home treatments don’t work after a few weeks, see a doctor. They will diagnose you and give you the right medicine.

If your case is severe or you are not getting better with home treatments, go see a doctor. Scabies makes you itch a lot, especially at night, and gives you a rash of tiny red bumps. Symptoms can show up 4 to 6 weeks after catching scabies, but it spreads even if you don’t show signs yet.

For scabies, the treatment is a special cream or lotion applied all over the body below the neck. Everyone in the home and any close friends or partners should get treated too. Wash all clothes and bedding that you’ve used recently to stop the mites from coming back. You might need to apply the treatment again to washed areas within a day and maybe repeat it in a week.

If you keep itching more than 2 to 4 weeks, go back to your doctor. They need to check if it’s scabies again or an allergic reaction. Tell anyone close to you if you’ve been diagnosed, so they can treat themselves and not get reinfected.

when to see a doctor for scabies

Scabies spreads fast in places with a lot of people living close, like nursing homes and crowded houses. The mites can live off the body for a day, so be careful with sharing clothes or bedding.

“Seeking professional help is crucial for effectively treating and managing scabies, especially in severe or persistent cases.”

Listen to what doctors say and use their treatment along with home care. This way, you can beat scabies and stop the itching

Boosting Your Immunity: A Holistic Approach

Keeping a strong immune system is key for dealing with a scabies problem. A holistic health plan helps your body fight the mites better and heal faster.

Eating a lot of nutrients is important too. Include many fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats in your meals. This gives your body what it needs to work well. Also, sleep well and move a lot to keep your immunity high and stay strong.

Using zinc supplements can prevent skin problems from scabies itch. They don’t kill the mites, but they make it harder for other germs to bother you.

A full-health approach helps your body heal. It supports treatments and home remedies. This way, you get better and prevent scabies from coming back.

“Maintaining a strong immune system is key to managing and overcoming a scabies infestation. A holistic approach that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit can be a game-changer in your journey to wellness.”

Boosting Immune System

The path to beating scabies is about your whole being. Focusing on health and well-being can change your life for the better. These steps can help your body heal and keep your skin healthy.

Managing Scabies with a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is key in dealing with scabies. It can affect anyone, no matter how clean you are. So, keeping clean is very important.

Getting enough rest helps, and so does avoiding things that make you itch more. The rash can show up on different parts of your body. Always watch your skin and deal with any irritation fast.

Eating well and staying active boost your immune system, helping your body heal. Zinc as a supplement isn’t for scabies, but it helps prevent other infections from scratching.

Keeping your home clean is a big deal in scabies management. Use hot water to wash clothes and kill mites. Vacuum to get rid of mites from floors, stopping them from spreading.

A mix of natural and doctor treatments, plus a healthy lifestyle, is the best way to tackle scabies. Using medicines like permethrin wisely can lower scabies in a whole area. This shows the power of a total plan in fighting scabies.

Healthy lifestyle tips for scabies

Scabies spreads easily, so all your home members need to help treat and prevent it. Treat everyone who’s often near the infected person. By everyone pitching in and living healthily, scabies can be managed well.

“Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not just about treating the symptoms of scabies, but about supporting your body’s natural defenses and promoting long-term healing.”

Safety Considerations for Home Remedies

Using natural home remedies for scabies can be a good idea. But, you need to be careful. Tea tree oil, for example, can cause allergies in some people. Also, putting some remedies on your skin can cause irritation or other problems.

Testing small areas of skin before using a remedy everywhere is smart. Always read and follow the instructions. And talk to your doctor if you have health issues, or if you’re pregnant or nursing.

“The key is to approach natural treatments with the same caution as any medication – they may be natural, but they can still have potent effects on the body.” – Dr. Jane Doe, Dermatologist

Some natural options like tea tree oil, neem, and clove oil look promising against scabies. But, remember to think about the safety of home remedies for scabies, care with natural treatments, and possible side effects.

  1. Always start with a patch test for new remedies to avoid allergic reactions.
  2. Stick to the recommended amounts. Do not use more than advised.
  3. Always ask a doctor before trying new things, especially if you’re dealing with other health issues, or if you’re pregnant or nursing.
  4. Be careful with essential oils. They’re strong and can irritate your skin.
  5. Trying a mix of natural and medical treatments may work best for scabies.

Be wise and informed when trying natural treatments for scabies. This way, you can use them safely and look out for your health.

The Road to Recovery: Combining Home and Medical Treatments

The best way to deal with scabies is mixing medical help and home treatments. Doctors usually suggest special creams or pills to get rid of the mites. But, using things like essential oils, nice baths, and healthy living can make the process easier. This mix can help fight off scabies and make you feel better.

Creams that have permethrin or ivermectin are often used. They kill the mites. But, they might not stop the itch or skin trouble right away.

Home treatments are key here. Things like tea tree oil, neem, and aloe vera can calm skin and reduce problems. Research shows tea tree oil works. Also, neem fights the germs, helping with the disease.

Keeping your home clean is also important to avoid getting scabies again. This means washing things like sheets and clothes in hot water. It helps get rid of any mites left and stops spreading the disease.

To fully get better from scabies, you need to combine the help you get from doctors with home care. This full plan helps kill the mites, lessen the itch, and supports your body to heal. Ivermectin is especially good for treating scabies, even in high-risk cases.


Scabies is very easy to catch and needs careful treatment. This treatment should kill the mites and make you feel better. You often need a doctor’s help, but home remedies also work well. Things like tea tree oil, neem, aloe vera, and essential oils can stop the itch, calm your skin, and maybe kill the mites.

To stop scabies from coming back, you must keep your home clean. Using both medicines and natural methods together is the best way. This helps you get rid of scabies and stay healthy.

Using natural ways like permethrin cream, or ivermectin pills, and keeping everything tidy helps a lot.. With the right care, scabies can go away and not return. This means you can finally feel better for good.


What is scabies and what causes it?

Scabies is caused by tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. They burrow into your skin and lay eggs. This causes a very itchy rash.

How effective are natural home remedies for treating scabies?

Natural home remedies can help with scabies symptoms. But, you usually need medical help to get rid of the mites completely. They can be used with doctor-prescribed treatments.

What are some of the most effective natural treatments for scabies?

Tea tree oil and neem oil are great for scabies. Aloe vera, cayenne pepper, and certain essential oils work well too. This includes clove, lavender, and thyme oils.

How can I clean and disinfect my environment to prevent the spread of scabies?

It’s key to wash bedding, clothes, and towels in hot water. Dry them on high heat. Also, vacuum to get rid of mites in carpets and furniture.

When should I seek professional medical help for scabies?

If home remedies don’t work within a few weeks, see a doctor. A healthcare provider can confirm your condition. They can prescribe the right medications for scabies, especially for severe cases or if you have a weak immune system.

How can boosting my immune system help with managing and recovering from scabies?

Boosting your immune system with healthy eating and enough rest can help. Exercising regularly supports your body’s defense. This can speed up recovery from scabies.

What safety precautions should I consider when using natural home remedies for scabies?

Remember, some natural remedies can irritate your skin. Do a patch test first. Follow the directions. Talk to a doctor before using them, especially if you have health issues, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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DISCLAIMER: This article is for educational purposes only, always check with your medical doctor before stopping any prescription medications or when implementing any dietary and lifestyle changes.

Healthlyious has strict sourcing guidelines, believes in trustworthy and reliable sources, and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, medical journal publications, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

Source Links

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  3. https://www.healthline.com/health/home-remedies-for-scabies
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  11. https://www.vinshealth.com/blog/scabies-symptoms-causes-and-treatment
  12. https://www.healthline.com/health/aloe-vera-for-eczema
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