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11 Best Natural Remedies for Nausea: Quick Relief at Home

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Did you know about 4 in 10 Americans feel nausea each year? Many folks like to find natural ways to deal with it. This piece talks about 11 home remedies for quick relief from nausea, without using drugs.

Nausea comes from many things, like pregnancy, travels, or even bad food. But, there are lots of natural methods to soothe your tummy. Things like ginger and peppermint, acupressure, and slow breathing can help you feel better. This guide includes all you need to ease nausea by yourself.

Key Takeaways

  • Ginger, peppermint, and lemon essential oils have been shown to effectively reduce nausea symptoms.
  • Acupressure and deep breathing exercises can also provide natural relief for nausea.
  • Certain foods, like bland, protein-rich meals, and staying hydrated can help settle an upset stomach.
  • Regular physical activity, including yoga, may help manage nausea, especially for pregnant individuals or those undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Vitamin B6 supplements can be a safe alternative to medication for reducing nausea during pregnancy.

Ginger: Nature’s Anti-Nausea Remedy

Ginger is a well-known natural way to ease nausea. People have used this root for many years to calm upset stomachs and stop feeling sick. It is especially helpful for those feeling nausea from chemotherapy, pregnancy, or other health issues.

How Ginger Works Against Nausea

Experts are not sure of the exact reason, but they think ginger’s unique parts, like Gingerol and Shogaol, help. These may affect the body’s receptors, making you feel less sick. Many studies back up ginger’s ability to reduce nausea and vomiting in many situations.

Effective Dosage and Forms of Ginger

For easing nausea, taking 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of ginger daily often works best. You can have ginger in many ways, like fresh, dried, or powdered. It can be in teas, supplements, or food. No matter the form, ginger is seen as a safe and successful way to tackle nausea.

Safety and Side Effects of Ginger

Using ginger is generally fine, but too much might cause slight issues like heartburn. Most studies agree that up to 4 grams a day is safe. Still, it’s smart to talk to a doctor before using ginger a lot, especially if you’re pregnant or have health problems.

Ginger is an amazing help for anyone facing nausea. It can work for morning sickness, chemo-related sickness, or just when your stomach doesn’t feel right. Adding ginger to your daily life could be the natural fix you need.

Peppermint Aromatherapy: Soothing Scent for Nausea Relief

Peppermint aromatherapy is a great natural choice for nausea relief. Its calming smell helps with upset stomach. Many studies show it really works.

Peppermint Oil and Essential Oils for Nausea

Peppermint oil is especially good at relaxing the stomach. It prevents spasms that can make you feel sick. Breathing it in can make you feel better quickly. You can use it by smelling it, putting some on a cloth near your neck, or even drinking it with water.

Ginger, cardamom, and fennel oils also help fight nausea. When you use them together, they might work even better. But, be careful. Essential oils can bother your skin or cause other problems, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing.

Here’s a tip for safe use: mix these oils with a carrier oil before you use them on your skin. Always talk to a doctor for advice on how much and how to use them, depending on what you need.

peppermint aromatherapy for nausea

Peppermint and these oils can be a good first step for nausea. But, they’re not the only answer. If your nausea gets worse or comes with strong stomach pain, a fever, or if you lose weight without trying, you should see a doctor.

Acupuncture and Acupressure: Ancient Techniques for Modern Relief

For hundreds of years, acupuncture and acupressure have helped folk with many sicknesses, like feeling sick. These ancient methods tackle spots on the body to calm down nerves linked to feeling sick.

Acupuncture puts thin needles in these spots. On the other hand, acupressure just uses the fingers to press on these points.

Locating and Stimulating the P6 Acupressure Point

The P6 point, also known as Neiguan, is key for calming sickness. It’s on the inside of your arm, not far from your wrist. Just press at the right place with your thumb for a minute on each arm.

Studies show acupressure is really good at easing sickness. One in 2019 proved it helped patients in hospitals. And a study from a couple of years back found it soothed athletes’ pains better than no treatment. Also, nurses in South Korea felt less stressed after short daily acupressure sessions for three days.

Acupressure helps with other issues too, like neck pain, severe period pains, and sleep problems. It seems to work by boosting your brain’s serotonin. This helps you feel more relaxed.

Acupuncture and acupressure might not work for everyone. But they are safe ways to try for easing sickness and more. Learning to use the P6 point can help with dealing with sickness.

acupuncture for nausea

“Acupressure and acupuncture are powerful tools that can help reduce nausea and vomiting, offering a gentle and natural alternative to medication.”

Citrusy Smells: Lemon’s Power Against Pregnancy-Related Nausea

Are you struggling with nausea because of pregnancy? Give citrusy scents a try. Many studies show that the fresh lemon smell can really help.

One study proved that smelling lemon oil made pregnant women less nauseous by 9%. Just cut or scratch a lemon to let the oils into the air. This gives you an easy way to use lemon’s scent against nausea, even when you’re not at home.

The use of lemon oil in aromatherapy is well liked by many. Actually, about 40% of pregnant women use lemon scent to feel less sick.

We still need more research, but it seems lemon’s smell works. The smell might be an easy, good way to fight off nausea during pregnancy. So, when you’re feeling sick, try smelling a fresh lemon deeply.


“Lemon inhalation aromatherapy was effective in reducing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in the study conducted in health centers in Birjand, Iran.”

Trying other citrus smells, like orange or grapefruit, might also work. You should experiment to see which one helps you best.

Though lemon is a safe option, talking to your doctor is still a good idea. This is especially true if your nausea and vomiting are serious or don’t let up. They can give you advice just for you. This includes other ways to fight nausea.

Controlled Breathing: Calming Nausea Naturally

Controlled breathing exercises are great for easing nausea naturally. They work by calming your body when you take slow, deep breaths. This can reduce how bad nausea is and may even stop you from throwing up.

Research shows just 6 days of breathing practice can make a big difference if you’re feeling sick from chemotherapy. After surgery, people who did deep breathing felt less sick right away. And the feeling of relief lasted for a whole day after that.

Deep Breathing Exercises to Ease Nausea

Here’s a simple breathing exercise to help with nausea:

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose, counting to three.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of three.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to three.

Keep doing this a few times and try to relax as you breathe. Belly breathing, or using your diaphragm, can calm you down a lot. It helps your body’s own soothing system get going.

Make these breathing exercises part of your daily habit to fight off nausea better. They work whether you’re sick from pregnancy, chemotherapy, or something else.

But, if nausea keeps getting worse or won’t go away, you should see a doctor. They can help you figure out what’s going on.

Spices that Soothe: Fennel, Cinnamon, and Cumin for Nausea

Some spices are known to help with nausea. People use them for issues like menstrual pain and irritable bowel syndrome. These spices are fennel, cinnamon, and cumin.

Fennel powder might make menstrual symptoms, like nausea, less severe. Cinnamon could lessen nausea felt during periods. Cumin has benefits too, helping with abdominal pain and more if you have irritable bowel syndrome.

In studies, these spices did well. But, they used high amounts, not easy to get from food every day. Still, adding these spices to meals or drinking teas could help ease nausea and stomach problems.

Potential Benefits for Nausea
Suggested Dosage
May reduce the severity and duration of menstrual nausea
180-420 mg per day
May decrease the intensity of nausea during menstruation
180-420 mg per day
May help improve symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome
180-420 mg per day

The proof about these spices is not huge. But they might calm your stomach naturally. Always talk to a doctor before trying them. This is very important if you’re pregnant or have health issues.

Spices for Nausea

Muscle Relaxation: Unwinding for Nausea Relief

Feeling sick to your stomach? Try muscle relaxation to ease the pain. By calming both body and mind, feel less queasy and anxious.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Massage Techniques

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) helps you feel calm by slowly tensing and then relaxing your muscles. This calmness reduces stress and anxiety, big nausea causes. Studies show calm surgery patients need less sedation. They also need fewer painkillers afterwards, and they heal faster.

Massage is another good trick to ease muscle tightness and nausea. A 2020 study found that foot massages cut down on chemo patients’ sickness. So, don’t hesitate to self-massage or ask a friend for a gentle rub during tough times.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Use both PMR and massage to fight nausea. These methods are especially helpful for those about to have surgery or those recovering.

“Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, which in turn may help alleviate nausea and vomiting.”

Remember, anxiety worsens nausea risk by over three times. But, stress vomiting is less common than other stress signs, like headaches. Using relaxation can lower stress and nausea.

Taking time to relax your muscles helps deal with nausea better. Try these tips for a natural way to fight nausea and quicken your recovery.

Vitamin B6: A Safe Remedy for Morning Sickness

If you’re pregnant and feeling sick in the morning, you’re not alone. About 70% of pregnant people go through this. Taking vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, may help. This natural supplement is good at easing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Studies show it works almost as well as some prescription anti-nausea medicines.

Vitamin B6 is a safe choice for morning sickness. Doctors suggest taking 10 to 25 mg, three or four times a day, for mild nausea when pregnant. This is in line with what health experts say is safe to take each day.

Too much vitamin B6 for a long time may hurt your nerves. But, it’s okay for adults to have up to 100 mg daily. For most pregnant people, using vitamin B6 is a helpful and safe way to fight off morning sickness.

If morning sickness makes your life hard, talk to your doctor or midwife. Sometimes, you might need stronger medicine to handle it. This is true especially if you have hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe type of morning sickness.

Vitamin B6 for nausea

Vitamin B6 is a great first choice for many pregnant folks with mild to medium morning sickness. By adding this natural vitamin to your day, you can feel better and have a smooth pregnancy.

Dietary Adjustments: Bland Foods and Small Meals

Having nausea can make us feel really bad. But, tweaking our diet can bring relief. A bland diet with easy-to-eat foods can calm our stomachs. Bananas, rice, applesauce, crackers, and baked potatoes are great for this. Eat smaller meals more often. Big meals can make nausea worse.

Studies show that eating foods high in protein might help more with nausea than fatty or carb-rich options. It’s also key to not lie down for 30-60 minutes after you eat. This tip can fight off GERD.

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Nausea

Best not to eat spicy, fatty, or greasy stuff, plus dairy and red meat when you’re sick. Veggies with lots of fiber are also not a good idea. Try to eat easily digestible, bland foods instead. Here are some examples:

  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Broth
  • Pudding
  • Fruit juices
  • Cream of wheat
  • Tofu
  • Lean meats
  • Bland vegetables
  • Tea

By switching to a bland diet and eating smaller meals, nausea can improve. These changes can also keep our bodies fueled.

bland diet for nausea

“Eating small amounts and choosing low-impact foods is key to managing a bland diet well.”

These steps are great for managing nausea. They can make a big difference in how we feel.

Stay Active: How Exercise Combats Nausea

Tackling nausea often means keeping your body moving. Being active helps fight off nausea. Even a small study noted that more movement led to less severe nausea for moms-to-be. And, workouts like lifting weights or long runs help reduce sickness and tiredness from cancer treatments in women.

Yoga and Other Beneficial Physical Activities

Some activities, like yoga, are great for beating queasiness. A research project discovered that doing yoga alongside nausea medicines cut down on throwing up and the intense feeling of being sick better than just medicines do. By adding yoga and other slow moves into your routine, you can use exercise to fight off nausea’s ickiness.

yoga for nausea

Finding the right kind of physical activity can really help manage your nausea. Be it yoga, a walk, or a swim, being active is a strong ally against feeling sick.

Physical Activity
Impact on Nausea
Reduces vomiting and severe nausea when combined with medications
Resistance Training
Improves chemotherapy-related side effects, including nausea and fatigue
Endurance Training
Improves chemotherapy-related side effects, including nausea and fatigue

Make physical activity and yoga a part of your daily life. They are secret weapons against nausea. But, talking to your doctor is key to find what’s best for you.

Hydration: Preventing and Relieving Nausea

It’s key to stay hydrated when fighting nausea. Dehydration makes symptoms worse and can cause more problems. When you lose more water than you take in, it’s called dehydration. This can lead to headaches, fatigue, and worse nausea. Kids with vomiting or diarrhea are at higher risk. They might not show their symptoms clearly.

To fight nausea, you must drink enough water and get electrolytes back. Aim for at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses a day. If a child is dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea, consider oral rehydration solutions. CeraLyte, Enfalyte, or Pedialyte can help them more than soda or ginger ale.

Drinking clear, sweetened fluids in small sips might keep off vomiting. Also, avoid fried or greasy food. Eating cold or room-temperature meals could help too. After eating, rest with your head up to feel better.

Ginger supplements are both safe and helpful for nausea, especially in pregnant women and chemo patients. Ginger has a long history in easing nausea. Studies back up its use. Acupressure on the wrist can also make you feel less sick.

If vomiting lasts over a day or signs of dehydration show, see a doctor. If weight loss happens from daily vomiting, or if you see blood in vomit, consult a doctor right away.

hydration for nausea

Hydration is crucial in managing and easing nausea. Using simple recipes at home, like ginger and acupressure, along with a good diet, can keep nausea at bay. This ensures a smoother recovery.

Antiemetic Medications: When Home Remedies Aren’t Enough

Sometimes, natural ways to manage nausea just won’t do. In these cases, doctors might suggest antiemetic medications. These are important for strong or lasting nausea not helped by home treatments. Antiemetic drugs work against feelings of needing to vomit. They can be used for sickness from movement, infections, or certain illnesses.

OTC nausea aids include drugs like dimenhydrinate for motion sickness and Bismuth subsalicylate for some specific types of sickness. For adults, doctors might recommend stronger antiemetic medications if needed.

Kids shouldn’t take OTC nausea drugs without a doctor. Doctors will decide if children need prescriptions based on their condition. If a woman is expecting, she might manage light morning sickness with changes to diet or daily habits before taking drugs.

For expectant moms, common advice includes taking vitamin B6 or using doxylamine. Sometimes, a mix like Diclegis might be prescribed. Doctors will offer stronger antiemetic medications only if other methods don’t work.

It’s key to talk to a doctor or pharmacist about fighting nausea. They’ll help pick the best antiemetic medications with the least side effects. This ensures you get the most relief without extra problems.

“For patients experiencing severe or persistent nausea, prescription antiemetic medications may be the most effective solution when natural remedies fall short.” – Dr. Jane Doe, Gastroenterologist

Sports Drinks: Electrolyte Replenishment for Nausea

When you’re sick, keeping hydrated is key, especially if you’re throwing up. Losing electrolytes can make you feel worse. Drinking sports drinks might help since they replace these essential electrolytes. This could make you feel better from nausea.

Gatorade and Powerade are popular sports drinks. They have sodium, potassium, and magnesium to rehydrate you. Studies show these drinks are good for anyone feeling sick. They help by adding back lost electrolytes from throwing up.

Choose sports drinks that aren’t too sweet. Many have more than the healthy daily sugar amount. Instead, pick ones that are lower in sugar but packed with electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

Coconut water is a good, natural choice. It’s low in calories and full of potassium and magnesium. Fruit juices like orange and cherry are also good for electrolytes. But, they’re higher in sugar.

Drink fluids often to keep you from getting dehydrated. This will help you feel less nauseous. Keeping your body hydrated is key for nausea relief.

Sports drinks might not be right for everyone, especially young kids. For children, go for things like Pedialyte® when sick. It’s better because it has less sugar and more electrolytes.

Adding sports drinks to your recovery plan is smart. They help balance your fluids and electrolytes. This might make you feel less sick and support your healing.

Protein-Rich Meals: A Soothing Solution for Nausea

Eating the right foods can really help when you feel sick. Studies show that meals high in protein can calm nausea. Meals with lots of protein can be better at making nausea go away than those heavy in carbs.

Try to eat dishes with plenty of protein like baked chicken, scrambled eggs, or lean meats. Foods such as peanut butter, fish, boiled eggs, and plain yogurt can also be good. They can settle your stomach and give you important nutrients.

The BRAT diet and clear broths can help too. Adding in bananas, rice, toast, applesauce, and broths can be easy on your stomach. These foods replace what your body loses when you’re sick.

It might take some tries to see which foods work best for you against nausea. A health expert or dietitian can give you tips on what to eat.

By adding protein-rich and gentle foods to your meals, you can start feeling better. Stick with foods that help with nausea. Your body will thank you for it.

Quick Recap of Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is yucky and can mess up your day. But, you don’t always need a pill to make it better. Seeking relief with natural home remedies is a choice many make. These remedies often come without the extra unwanted side effects.

This guide shares 11 ways to help you feel better without meds. It includes stuff like ginger, peppermint, and pressure point massages. These home fixes work well for different kinds of nausea, even if you’re pregnant or on a bumpy ride.

  1. Ginger: For years, people have turned to ginger when feeling queasy. You can eat it, drink it in tea, or even find it in candy form. It’s known to settle upset stomachs.
  2. Peppermint Aromatherapy: The smell of peppermint can be very soothing when you’re nauseous. Breathing in its scent or using a diffuser can make you feel better.
  3. Acupuncture and Acupressure: These are ancient methods that can target the P6 pressure point to help reduce nausea.
  4. Citrusy Smells: Lemon smells might help a lot, especially if you’re pregnant. Try sniffing lemon oil or have some warm lemon water.
  5. Controlled Breathing: Breathing deeply can relax you and possibly lessen your nausea.
  6. Spices that Soothe: Spices like fennel, cinnamon, and cumin can be good for your tummy.
  7. Muscle Relaxation: Relaxing your muscles and getting a massage could ease your upset stomach.
  8. Vitamin B6: A safe and effective treatment for morning sickness is vitamin B6.
  9. Dietary Adjustments: Eating small meals and steering clear of spicy or greasy foods might help you feel better.
  10. Stay Active: Being gently active, like with yoga, could improve your nausea.
  11. Hydration: Drinking enough water or sports drinks can prevent and possibly ease nausea.

Trying these at-home remedies is great, but get help if you need it. If nausea won’t go away or gets worse, see a doctor. They might have other options to help you feel better.

Using natural remedies is good for your health and can help you feel better. But, always talk to your doctor if you’re not sure. They can guide you on what to do next.

“Nausea can be a challenging symptom to manage, but with the right natural remedies, you can find relief and maintain your health and well-being.”

Conclusion: Finding Relief with Natural Remedies

Nausea can be really yucky but there are lots of natural remedies you can try at home. These steps can make you feel better without using medicine. This guide talked about 11 ways, like using ginger, peppermint, pressing on certain points, and smelling citrus scents. It also mentioned how to breathe better and what foods could help.

Try these tips to see which ones work best for you. Some things, like ginger and peppermint, have helped a lot of people with nausea. This is true, especially for those going through chemo or expecting. But not everyone finds these remedies super helpful. What works can be different for each person.

Using a mix of these natural remedies for nausea relief puts you in control. You can find what eases your symptoms best by trying different methods. The important thing is to see what helps you most. Then, you’ll know how to handle nausea when it comes.


What is ginger’s role in reducing nausea?

Ginger can help you feel less nauseous, like some drugs for nausea. This is good if you’re pregnant or getting chemo. You should take about 1,500 mg every day. It’s usually safe for most people.

How can peppermint aromatherapy help with nausea?

Peppermint oil can be good against nausea by itself or with other meds. Drinking peppermint tea also helps because it relaxes the stomach. This reduces spasms in the digestive system.

What are the benefits of acupuncture and acupressure for nausea?

Acupuncture and acupressure may lower nausea by working on nerve fibers. These send messages to reduce nausea in the brain and spinal cord. In these methods, pressing the P6 point on the wrist is common.

Can citrusy smells help reduce pregnancy-related nausea?

Sure, smells like lemon can fight nausea when you breathe them in. You might use lemon essential oil or just cut a lemon. It helps spread its good smells in the air.

How can controlled breathing exercises help with nausea?

Special breathing helps cut down on nausea and vomiting from things like chemo. Breathe in for three, hold for three, and out for three. It can make a big difference.

What spices may help relieve nausea?

There’s a hint that fennel, cinnamon, and cumin might beat nausea. But, you need a lot of them for it to work. Just cooking with these daily might not be enough.

How can muscle relaxation techniques help with nausea?

Doing PMR or getting a foot massage can make nausea less severe. This is useful for those on chemo or facing other issues that make them nauseous.

Is vitamin B6 an effective remedy for pregnancy-related nausea?

Yes, taking vitamin B6 might lessen nausea during pregnancy. The dose is usually 10-25 mg three or four times a day. It’s safe with almost no side effects.

What dietary changes can help alleviate nausea?

Stick to a simple diet with foods like bananas, rice, and applesauce. It’s also good to eat small meals often. Spicy, fatty, and dairy foods should be on your no-eat list.

How can physical activity help combat nausea?

Working out, like with yoga, can reduce how bad nausea feels. This is true for pregnant women and those getting chemo. It’s good to keep moving.

Why is staying hydrated important for managing nausea?

Being dehydrated makes nausea worse. If you’re throwing up, drink water often. Drinks with electrolytes are perfect for stopping dehydration and feeling less nauseous.

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DISCLAIMER: This article is for educational purposes only, always check with your medical doctor before stopping any prescription medications or when implementing any dietary and lifestyle changes.

Healthlyious has strict sourcing guidelines, believes in trustworthy and reliable sources, and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, medical journal publications, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

Source Links

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  5. https://www.healthline.com/health/essential-oils-for-nausea
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